Pine valley women in mission


Pine Valley Women in Mission is a community of women in fellowship who serve Jesus Christ by serving others, within our church and beyond.

An Invitation to Membership

To the woman who finds meaning in her church and is drawn to its fellowship who wants to combine fellowship with study, worship and outreach opportunities, who feels she has gifts that are to be shared with others, who seeks a supportive community to affirm her own sense of purpose and commitment to God.

Get To Know Us!

Common Thread Circle:
Contact Nancy Coppedge, 225-264-3948. (Meets 2nd & 4th Monday each month, 12:00 PM, in Christian Life Center, Room 202). Make pillowcases for terminally ill patients at Hospice and at Partners In Caring (who are advocates for HIV and AIDS patients).

Enice Bowen Circle:
Contact Sherry Rich, 910-465-3232 or Cathy Gragg, 910-619-0134. (Meets 2nd Tuesday each month 9:45 AM Fellowship Hall.) Has stimulating monthly programs and participates in community and service projects.

Mary Ellen Whitfield Circle:
Contact Marylee Gross, 910-512-4478. (Meets 2nd Monday each month 7:00 PM Bldg. C, Rm #16). Participates in service projects and mission work.

Ogden By the Sea Circle:
Contact Pam Craig, 910-352-4878. (Meets 3rd Thursday each month 7:00 PM in different locations). Focuses on local Social Action helping individuals and families in need, Operation Christmas Child, and supporting PVWIM and PVMC missions.